Clear Canvas View Good View Screengrabs


 Set Canvas Image  Load Background Layer



Additional Settings




Number of Branches Per Level

Branches Per Level determines the number of branches per level.



General Settings


Object Scale

Object Scale sets the scale of of the object. Adjusting this parameter will affect the scale of the entire object such as all tree branches, but will not affect the branch thickness. As a result, small values will cause the branches to appear short and thick, large values will cause the branches to appear long and slender.



Global Node Scale Reduction %

Global Node Scale Reduction % (GNSR) affects the relative scale of nodes at each branch level. Values of GNSR < 100 will cause branches to appear shorter, and for values of GNSR > 100 branches will appear longer.



Max. Branch Level

Max. Branch Level (MBR) sets the limit to the number of branch levels in the tree.



Branch Angle

Branch Angle (BA) specifies the angle of a child branch relative to the parent branch. Small values result in narrow branching and slender trees, large values results branches being more spread out.



Branch Length

Branch Length (BL) sets the same length value for branches at all branch levels. The interplay between this value and Global Node Scale is important to understand. The two parameters sort of offset eachother.



Branch Length Reduction %

Branch Length Reduction % (BLR) allows you to adjust the relative lengths of between parent and child branches. A value of BLR = 100 should result in all branches being the same length (assuming GNS = 1 and GNSR = 100). Values of BLR < 100 will cause child branches to be shorter than their parents, likewise BLR > 100 will result in child branches longer than the parent.



Branch Thickness

Branch Thickness (BT) applies the same value of branch thickness or diameter to branches at all branch levels. Since ANTz limits this value to 1 or smaller, this interface does too.



Branch Thickness Reduction %

Branch Thickness Reduction % (BTR) determines the relative branch thickness between parent and child branches. A value of BTR = 100 will result in branches being the same thickness at all branch levels, BTR < 100 branches will become thinner, BTR > 100 branches will become thicker.






Branch Level


All One Color



Change Page Bkgd
Change Canvas Bkgd




If Shadow/Blur/Glow is enabled, this sets the # of pixels to blur.




If Shadow and Glow is enabled, this sets the # of pixels offset down and to the right.